I’m creating this blog because I feel I can be helpful to you with my knowledge. Photography is changing every day, and there is always something to be learned. I try to keep myself informed about trends, new cameras, lenses, and new ways of creating original content. Photography should be something that you truly love with your heart. It is an expression of your spirit, how you feel the surrounding world, and where to focus before you click and shoot. But before, my advice is to give yourself a second to enjoy the moment and screenshot it with your mind. There is a great movie, Ben Stiller’s best work, called “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, where the idea of enjoying the moments and appreciating every single second is the right way of adventurous living. Beautiful Things don’t ask for attention. If you are a photography lover, it is a must-watch!
What Makes a Picture Original
Originality in photography is essential. Let’s be honest, a big percent of the people calling themselves “Photographers” are just copying somebody else’s work. Something they saw on Instagram, Facebook, Photography websites, or even National Geographic magazine. And they try to execute their work copycatting. The result can be maximum beautiful photo that you have seen a million times. So, the original factor is missing. There is no point in doing that. Photography is something personal. It is a way of expressing your own feelings. So, originality is your inner voice. Listen to it carefully. It will whisper the steps you need to follow. And when your eyes see through your mind, it is the moment originality is born. And exploring it further and further, you create content that represents you. It charges your creative batteries needed for pursuing and hunting for THE PERFECT PICTURE!
Always Experiment
Photography should bring pleasure and satisfaction. If it doesn’t, something is not done right. At the end of the day, while you browse your pictures, there is always something that stands out. From my own experience, I could tell you that my standout pictures are very often products of pure experiment. Like that sunny afternoon at my village house, helping my dad outside. I sat at the table with a glass of water and just looked up. I saw a beautiful little greenish-blue lizard. My little friend was taking a sunbath, not moving. That was the moment. I took my camera, and I put it on the tripod. I used my zoom lens and shoot it at 300mm. I had him. I had him in from every position. I had just his little head, and I had the full body. I hade how we were moving and even shot a video of how he disappeared into the tree’s green leaves — my best pictures to date. And the moment after a few hours while I was sitting in the same place having dinner browsing the pictures, I noticed it. It was the position of the tripod. That made the shots, that made the magic. I moved it around to try to take a similar photo, but it did not work out. So, at that moment, my inner vision and my experiment played out so well.
What to Expect From the Blog
My first articles would be about the following topics.
- Shooting with your phone
- Take a day trip and try your skills
- My photography and videography gear and how I use it
- How, where, and when to upload the Content of your portfolio
Thank you very much for reading me. If you trust me in that journey, I will teach you some useful shooting tricks and share some of my secrets!